Tuesday 12 February 2013

Dear 8 Month Old Alia

Words cannot express how happy you make your daddy and me. We are ever so proud of who you are becoming.
You are wise beyond you years, it's a pleasure to guide you into becoming an intelligent young lady. Everybody gets a smile, you will wave at strangers when you see them looking at you (we'll stop that when you're older!), and you bring joy into the lives of many family members and friends.
You're already saying more words than a lot of children double your age; seeing the faces of people who hear you call the cat or your daddy into the room is hilarious. "She's not supposed to do that yet" or "Did she just say what I think she said?" they say.
You're going through a rough patch in terms of separation anxiety right now, but that's OK because I'd love nothing more than to cuddle you all day and all night.


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